Hey everyone!
I'm Christine and I'm a recent graduate of Saint Michael's College. I'm a Jersey girl at heart, from Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, a one square mile town with waaaay too many people shoved into it. I graduated with a degree in psychology, I'm currently serving an Americorps NCCC service term and am going to eventually pursue my MSW.
At SMC I was a 4 year member and co-captain of the women's varsity swim team, where I swam the longest events there are.
Away from the pool, I was the Online Media and Communications Coordinator for SMC's Founders Society, the ambassador club. I keep this blog as one of the ways I connect with prospective students, families, and anyone else who comes along to learn about me and my experiences at SMC.
I've had my hand in a lot of other SMC activities over my 4 years: Pre-Orientation (POW), Orientation, LEAP (campus ministry retreat), the Athletic Advisory Council, MOVE (Mobilization of volunteer Efforts), and Admissions. I've loved everything I've gotten the chance to do and only wish I had 4 more years to keep doing fun things here, but the real world awaits.
I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures as an SMC grad. If you have any questions, check out the tab for that or for contacting me. Happy reading!