Monday, January 19, 2009

classes week 2, for lack of a better title

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to update since we’ve been back, everything’s been very busy for me though. I’m taking four classes this semester: Intro to Sociology, Social Psychology, Christian Healthcare Ethics, and Italian 2. They’re going well so far and are a nice balance of reading vs. assignments for homework so that’s always helpful. The first week of classes is always the time to feel out the classes and professors you have and decide how the class is going to be/if you want to stay in that class. I wasn’t originally registered for the ethics course, but ended up being able to add it, so I dropped a different psych course I was in. Adding and dropping classes, provided there’s room to add, is super easy here. You just pick up a form, have it signed by the right people (professors and your advisor) and hand it back in. I was on the class list for my new class the next day.

One of the reasons I’ve been so busy is because of my study abroad application. I spent all of last week finalizing the paperwork and getting all the signatures I needed. I’ve handed in all but one thing and then my application will be reviewed on a rolling basis and I should here soon. In addition to the stuff I have to do for SMC, I also have to apply to my actually program, so that’s another application and more paperwork. It’s a lot of paper but it’s not too difficult, and with everything I hand in I get more and more excited.

If any of you live in the northeast you’ve probably been feeling some cold weather near you, and here isn’t any difference. I warn everyone now, it is very cold here, but it has never been as cold as is was last week. That in mind, if you can handle that everything else isn’t so bad. Take today: it’s about 11 degrees out, but that’s pretty toasty compared to the -19 degree day we had last week. Still, we stuck it out and now single digits seems like a blessing.

Despite the cold, I got out to the mountain with some friends yesterday and had a great time. It was one of the warmer days and the snow was great. We got up early, got to Smuggs around opening time, and stayed till a few hours before close. We were exhausted and starving but, as my first time out this season, it was a great time.

The team’s been doing really well since we got back from Florida. Practices have been going well and even though we’ve lost the two meets since we’ve been back, everyone did great in their races. We’re feeling really positive for championships in February. We’ve got a meet this Wednesday at Clarkson, which is a bit of a hike for a weekday, but it alternates every year so we won’t have to travel next year. Coach mentioned to me something about blogging for the athletics department because they want a person for every team, so I don’t know much else about that yet but I’ll keep everyone updated if I hear anything else.

Other than the meet this week is pretty normal. There’s no meet this weekend at all, so I’m going to take the time to sleep and relax mostly. I’m signed up to go ice climbing too! It’s one of the programs with the wilderness program, and even though I’m a little nervous (so is my mom) I think it’ll be a great time. I also recently signed up for a snowshoe hike too. I’m glad I can find time to do things outside, even if it’s cold.

I think that’s all for now. I’ll try to get some pictures of my recent adventure up here soon, since I’ve been lacking on the visual part of this blog. As always, any questions or anything can be asked here or emailed to me at Talk to you soon!


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