Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How busy is too busy?

I've been asking myself this question a lot over the last few day...or weeks really. It's not that my life wasn't "busy" while I was abroad. I was constantly doing something. I cooked, cleaned, trained for a marathon, did my schoolwork (which was pretty legit if I do say so), and constantly planned trips, packed and unpacked for/from them, and traveled. I managed all of this in my 168 weekly hours and still got at least 7 hours of sleep most nights. I was able to fulfill my duty as a traveler and study abroad student while still keeping up as a friend, sister, daughter, and girlfriend.

I've never really had trouble with my time management. Swimming has kept me in line since age 14, which is when I got to high school and about the time my neurotic sense of organization kicked in. I like to know when things are happening ahead of time so I can schedule them in. It's not that I hate surprises, I just don't like when my perfect plans are thrown off. I like to color code, file, make post it notes and lists for everything, and keep my planner full but perfectly neat.

So here I am, almost 7 years into my organizational lifestyle, feeling disorganized and lost. I'm not sure what it is that's got me feeling like I'm spiraling out of control and I think that's the biggest problem. I'm swimming, which keeps me on a pretty strict schedule, limiting my time to do school work but also making sure that I do it, as has always been the case. I'm taking classes and, though I'm taking a few more credits than usual, only one of my classes is giving me trouble. I'm working as a coordinator, but I LOVE my job and work it very easily into my crazy schedule. Swimming is ending soon and swim lessons are only once a week. I'll still need to work out at the gym of course, but running seems a bit lower maintenance. I'm hoping that I'll have more time to devote to my schoolwork, because I need time to find a summer job and to begin my search for grad schools and find out what I want to do in the next year or so. These sentences are probably becoming harder to understand if you don't know me, so I'll move along.

I'm not really sure what to do, but I needed somewhere to talk out my current life situation where I know someone will read it (and perhaps where I don't have to have a face-to-face conversation about "what's missing in my life"). At the very least, I hope this post, coupled with my overwhelming computer troubles (still no files on it because I don't have office back), will make up slightly for my neglect of you, my readers.

On a similar note, I'd love to hear some questions people are having, or at the very least a few topic suggestions. I know my fellow blogger Dustin would be upset that I'm asking other people to provide me with my voice (check out his latest post) but I think I need a little support until I can get back on my feet, though that seems little desperate sounding.

Anyway, the gears are turning on new topics, photo album ideas, and even video ideas hopefully. Until I get interesting, my deepest apologies. My search for my place post-Italy should not affect my relationship with you all, and I will do my best to see to it that I solve these problems ASAP.

Much Love,

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