Thursday, September 30, 2010

I heard there were a lot of service and wilderness program opportunities during breaks. Could you name some examples, and what else do students usually do?

There are a lot of chances to do something fun during school breaks.

Over columbus day break and winter break there are chances for activities with the wilderness program to whitewater raft, whitewayer kayak, and sea kayak. One year they even went to Ecuador for kayaking.

For winter break, February break, and spring break MOVE leads extended service trips to various locations across the country doing different service projects. After you've gone on a domestic trip, you have the chance to apply for a international trip in the summer. Historically there have been two of those: 10 days in the DR and 3 weeks in India.

Other than that, students go home and spend time with family, go on trips with their athletics teams (swimming goes to Puerto Rico in the winter and Baseball goes to Florida in the spring,) or go on vacations with their friends.


What do you want to know about SMC?

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