Friday, April 15, 2011

More Questions!

  1. Do many students bring their cars on campus?

    It really depends on the person (and if they have a car!) I didn't have a car here until this year, and I need it for my internship. First semester first-year students can't have a car, and second semester it needs to be parked on our north campus (about 1 mile up the road and accessible by walking or campus shuttle). After that, students can have their cars on main campus in general parking (free) or zone parking (cost per semester). Personally, I had no need for a car until I had my internship. I got rides home with friends, took the bus, and did fine getting to places when I needed to.

    Hope this helps :]

    Are you going to feel like an outcast if you don't ski/snowboard? I really want to learn but I feel like everyone already knows how

    Definitely not! In fact, so many people come here wanting to learn (that's why the Smugg's pass is such a huge can be really bad at skiing but it's still so cheap!) The pass is great because you can get so much practice in and never pay more than the additional $30, and lessons and rentals are discount.

    We're in no way a culture of ski bums and snowboard bros. People here do a little of everything, so don't worry!

    How do you know if you are accepted?

    if you are accepted to SMC you find out in the mail. Acceptances (and rejections) have already been mailed out this year though, so you should have heard by now what the status of your application is.

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