Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Trials of Topeka

Hello friends!

I sit here, halfway through my final project as an AmeriCorps NCCC member, and there are so many feelings going on.  It's crazy to think that in 5 weeks time I'll be back in Denver for one final week of meetings and fun with all of the amazing people I have come to call my ameri-friends.  It's even more crazy to think that I'll be back to Denver about a month later to start Team Leader Training on September 4.

Erick and I are planning a week road trip from NJ out to Denver and I'm getting really excited not only for that but to get home and see my family and friends I haven't seen since Christmas (or longer!)  I'm ready for some R and R, family time, home cooked food, playing with my dog, and enjoying some summer time in Burlington too.

Our time in Topeka has been a bit challenging so far, though I can't complain TOO much.  The project has come with a lot of ups and downs, largly in part to the fact that we're the first AmeriCorps team on the project.  On my side of things, however, I get a good amount of variety.  2 or 3 days per week I get to help run the nature club programming for the youth.  We get to do activities with them and take them out to places like museums, the beach, or to volunteer.  I know it's been tough for everyone at some point, but I think we're a great team to be here breaking this project in.

This week, 4 of my teammates and I are taking a group of the youth campus for 3 days.  I'm a bit anxious but still excited and think we will have a fun time and it'll be a nice break from the usual activities of the project.

Speaking of projects, my sponsors from last round, The Grand Canyon Trust, recently put out a video starring yours truly and some of my shuffle round teammates.  It's about getting young people to care about and volunteer in environmental conservation.  See it here:

I think that's all from the great state of Kansas for now.  Stay cool out there, it's HOT in the sunflower state.

"People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of" Paulo Coehlo


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