Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hi there!

So I’ve been pretty busy since the last time I wrote. The Virtual Open House went really well last week! A lot of you logged in and asked us all kinds of questions. Remember, if you have any more questions, no matter how trivial or “easy” ask away! If you don’t want to post them up here you can email me at camoresano@smcvt.edu. I love answering them and getting in touch with people who read my stuff. Also, keeping visiting the SMC bloggers group on facebook, as well as the Class of 2013 group, we get a lot of questions there and give a lot of answers. We’re also all on knightspace too, if you want to contact us there. (I’m a psych major and on the swim team, as a reminder, so if you have questions about that I can DEFINITELY answer those, as well as others).

The team traveled down to MIT on Friday and Saturday for an invitational meet. There were a lot of teams there, so it was crowded, but we had a good time and a lot of people did really well. We even had some broken program records! We’re in the home stretch now, with 7 more practices and a little less than two weeks until champs is finished (next weekend), but who’s counting? We’ve got a long weekend coming up (we have Monday and Tuesday off from class) so a lot of students are going home, but the team is sticking around so that should be fun and relaxing. I got to see my parents and my little sister too (before she left for Honduras on a service trip, which is so cool). Overall it was a good time and the season is wrapping up nicely.

In other news, I GOT ACCEPTED TO STUDY ABROAD! I was super excited to get a letter in the mail today telling me I was good to go with SMC study abroad. I then mailed my application to my program, so I’ll keep everyone posted on how that goes, but SMC is the hardest part, so I hear, so that’s exciting. Friends of mine are getting the same letters too so we’re getting very excited for our travels next fall.

As promised, I have some pictures, but it’s been warm here so there’s not as much snow in them as we had during the snow storm. I do suggest taking a look at Drew’s blog; he’s got a video on there of him outside in the storm. In addition to the snow pictures, I’ve got some from the full moon snowshoe hike I went on last night. I had an amazing time and it was absolutely beautiful the whole way up the mountain and at the top. We didn’t need lamps because the moon was so bright, and I didn’t even get cold, which is perfection. The picture I took at the top is very dark since it was night time and I only had my little digital camera, so I’m also posting a picture of what the view looks like in the day time (without snow though, sorry I couldn’t find any with snow). We hiked up a place called Snake Mountain; it’s about 40 minutes or so south of here. Overall it was a great time and I’d love to go again!

A view of the mountains across the street, just to remind everyone of how beautiful it is here

More mountains in the distance. I loved seeing the snow on the top on this clear day.

Here's a view of campus from the church looking out. The snow has been melting and freezing lately, so there's grass in this picture!

Here's my friends and I with a snowman we built in the middle of the walkway by Founders. Yeah, we're obnoxious. Here's a shot of the moon through the woods from my snowshoe hike. I tried to get some good ones, but with a flash you couldn't see the moon and without one it was too dark. This is a shot of the view. I know it's really dark but I wanted to put it in there in case someone could see the outline of the towns and stuff.

This is what the view looks like in the day time (and in the summer obviously). I know it's not the same but it's the best I could get. As you can see, it;s GORGEOUS

That’s all for now. I’ll be back in a few days with some new material. Until then!

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